Instinctual Mind  (Pain Body)

3D Level of Intelligence

In order to understand the Internal Structures of Ego which we also refer to as Houses of Ego, it requires the awareness that there are three main layers of the lower mind that function together, the 1st Chakra, the 2nd Chakra and the 3rd Chakra.

The three layers of mind work together to serve the functions of the ego in all human beings. Each energetic layer has separate functions yet all three layers are interconnected and directly impact each other. As we learn about the layers in the internal structure of the ego, this clarifies the purpose of identifying what the ego is and how it operates within us. When we understand how ego operates inside our mind we are better equipped to heal the energetic imbalances of Negative Ego and the Pain Body triggers.

The second layer of the mind is located in the 2nd dimension, it is controlled by the 2nd Chakra and this area acts as the accumulative pain and instinctual memory storage for the Instinctual Mind. The NAA hidden agenda broadcasts an assortment of Mind Control programs to socially engineer the human race into self enforced consciousness enslavement. This mind control has left seven main areas of Trauma and emotional damage recorded in the Instinctual Mind of the collective human consciousness on the earth.

First Harmonic Universe

For human beings, these consciousness bodies exist throughout the densities and are aspects of the higher self and Lightbody. These aspects are called the Stations of Identity.

In the First Harmonic Universe in 1D-2D-3D exists the three layers of the personality matrix or incarnated human.
In the First Harmonic Universe the in 1D-2D-3D exists the Three layers of the earth matrix.

Imprints of Separation

The Guardians have identified the seven most painful implants of separation that impact the majority of human beings on this earth now at the 2nd Chakra layer of the Negative Ego.

1. Unworthiness 2. Shame / Guilt 3. Lack of Trust / Self Doubt 4. Betrayal / Abandonment 5. Anger / Rage 6. Fear 7. Entrapment / Enslavement

Emotional Triggers

Most of the time when we experience an event in our lives in which a shocking and painful event occurs, it is uncovering not only false structures, but buried parts of the Unconscious Mind and cellular memories that are embedded in our bodies. Meeting the negative energy or blockages when this inner conjunction is made acts as the spiritual catalyst for great changes and potential consciousness transformation, it forces the surface or hidden fears located in the Pain Body to be brought out into the thoughts, emotions, behaviors or in the impulses of the person.

2D or Second Internal Layer

This is the instinctual layer of ego which for many people remains a part of the Unconscious Mind as many do not pay attention to the cause of their instinctual drives or Addictions. Many people exist cut off from their feelings and have difficulty identifying their feelings in the moment to moment. This is a side effect of a closed Heart chakra, Soul Fragmentation or blackened heart. The first part of healing is to be willing to pay attention to drives though dedicated self-awareness. The second layer is directly impacted by the first layer to the degree the painful memory is experienced in the person’s hard drive.

This second layer could also be called the pain body.

It is the location where unresolved painful memories will manifest as instinctual drives within the person’s ego. If the 1D storage memories are not identified or cleared, the pain of these memories creates Walls of Separation in the 2D layer as a pain body. The pain body further creates Amnesiac Barriers which manifest in the ego as seven primary mental and emotional states identified above. The walls of separation isolate the ego self inside the person. As the person deeply attaches to the 3D belief systems generated by that Negative Ego state as their identity in the 3D matrix of reality, they can become easily disconnected from their heart and inner spirit.

This disconnection from the inner spirit creates Amnesiac Barriers or Walls of Separation where another part of the ego identity that has been hurt or traumatized may split off and may hide itself. This identity could have been created when one is a baby, a six year old child, teenager, or even in other Timelines. This phenomenon is called ego sub-personalities, and they may be hidden behind the walls as a result from deeply experienced Trauma. These traumatized sub-personalities also hold a fragment of our spiritual energy or Soul Matrix. The goal of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) from the NAA is to intentionally create these traumatized sub-personalities which fragment the mind and spiritual body, thereby causing harm to the internal energy structures of the person’s aura and Lightbody. The current way this is enforced en masse on planet earth by the NAA is through the Victim-Victimizer and the Sexual Misery software program. When we are separated from our inner spirit, we are disconnected from our experience with God Source. The result is more Pain, Disconnection and Disease which exacerbates the Negative Ego walls of separation that perpetuates the cycle of internal misery. The goal of our inner spirit is to find and locate those sub-personalities in order to heal them, reclaim them as Children of God, so that the spiritual light can be reintegrated and brought back into wholeness and connection with God/Source.

Starseeds have an earth mission to heal these painful consciousness memories from other Timelines, such as that which transpired during the Galactic Wars that is being repeated on the earth in this end cycle. 

2D Walls of Separation

Because the Instinctual Mind is the pain body of the Three Layers of Ego it collects many different levels of emotional trauma and pain and buries it behind Amnesiac Barriers or Walls of Separation in the unconscious areas of the body and its mind centers. This accumulative pain is collected from previous, current and future lifetimes of Soul Fragmentation as a result of pain, abuse or trauma. When this pain is unhealed it results in split personality, dissociative personalities or in SRA this is called "altars". These fragments are attachments which collect, congeal and attract spirit attachments from the Astral Plane at both the 2nd Chakra and 4th Chakra layers. This over time builds up more painful Miasma, Dead Energy to block the 2nd Chakra and the Soul Matrix from embodying. Further it creates the 2D Walls of Separation within the Three Layers of Ego and embeds inside the Instinctual Mind generating the Pain Body.

The Guardians have identified the seven most painful implants of separation that impact the majority of human beings on this earth now that has created the main forms of trauma in the Pain Body.

1. Unworthiness 2. Shame / Guilt 3. Lack of Trust / Self Doubt 4. Betrayal / Abandonment 5. Anger / Rage 6. Fear 7. Entrapment / Enslavement

Houses of Ego or Predator Mind

From the accumulative lifetime(s) of pain builds more walls of separation which are purposely held in place through the Victim-Victimizer software, a self-enforced human enslavement program from the NAA. Through the deep unworthiness and lack of self-love resulting from repeated traumatic abuse, the rejection of God and the crucifixion of the inner spirit is maintained easily. This leads to Negative Ego behaviors to cope with the disconnection from God, which we can observe in the Seven Houses of Ego. As we build these Houses of Ego from ignorance, we allow their equivalent demonic spirits to dwell inside our mind and body. These demonic spirits increase the power of the Houses of Ego in human behavior which invite the predator forces to use or possess the mind and body at will. This is the definition of mental and spiritual bondage to the predator (dark) forces of the Imposter Spirit.[1]

Healing the Pain Body

The goal for spiritual protection is to dismantle the houses of ego, evict the demonic and predator forces, and replace them with the Houses of Christ. State your authority and intention to be of service to God and to build a strong relationship with one’s Inner Spiritual Light and Christos. As you devote your attention and focus on the quality of the Spirits of Christ, the Houses for Christ grow stronger.

Building Self Esteem

Self Esteem is the value of a person’s worth and there are a lot of factors that come into play, especially in helping a person fell more confident about himself, which is also a primary factor in establishing a person’s outlook towards personal inspiration and feeling as a success. On the spiritual Ascension pathway, recognizing the importance of character building as a necessary part of having self love and self acceptance is critical to progress through self deception blocks. When we have low self esteem our psychological defense mechanisms will act to block our progress moving forward and evolving in life. One who understands they are a loved and worthy spiritual vessel for the spirit of God Source, will begin to learn that self love is at the core of self acceptance which is the quality one must build to truly feel and experience God's love for all of us. Once we feel love for ourselves we build inner confidence which further builds our trust with life.

2D-4D Astral Body Split

Due to the DNA damage our species suffered after the Fall of Tara, the 4D astral body that made up our heart center was fractured, and the lower portion of the soul matrix astral layer became inverted upon itself and became lodged in our 2D sacral center. Thus, a portion of our original soul matrix fragmented and got stuck in the 2D dimensional layers of the planetary body and within our individual layers. When incarnating upon the earth plane, this distortion to our soul and heart center became a genetic block, which further digressed angelic human DNA. Over time these became generational distortions which manifested into the disconnection between the 2D elemental field of the physical body, the 1D Unconscious Mind and both the lower and higher part of the astral identity that form into the soul matrix. Essentially, what this means is that when incarnating in a physical body on the earth, it was hard for the Conscious Mind of the personality to actually feel the experience of the soul while in a body, and this had the tendency to disconnect the functions of the heart center.

These schisms in the Lightbody layers also greatly contributed to the production of Shadow Selves, shadow personality alters, shadow elementals and fragments in the Soul matrix, which further proliferated personal Miasma and Planetary Miasma.

Three Layers of Ego:

3D Level of Intelligence

In order to understand the Internal Structures of Ego which we also refer to as Houses of Ego, it requires the awareness that there are three main layers the 1st Chakra of the Unconscious Mind, the 2nd Chakra of the Instinctual Mind and the 3rd Chakra of the Conscious Mind.

The three layers of mind work together to serve the functions of the ego in all human beings. Each energetic layer has separate functions yet all three layers are interconnected and directly impact each other. As we learn about the layers in the internal structure of the ego, this clarifies the purpose of identifying what the ego is and how it operates within us. When we understand how Ego Filters operates inside our mind we are better equipped to heal the energetic imbalances stemming from the Negative Ego or Predator Mind. 

1D Memory Storage

Unconscious Mind

1. Abuse 2. Trauma 3. Shock 4. Devastation

First Internal Layer: This is the root layer of our unconscious mind and it functions like a hard drive for the ego. In this hard drive is the cellular memory storage from all of one’s lifestreams. This means that cellular memories from past lives, present lives and future lives may all be stored in this memory hard drive. These memories are not given value when they are recorded, whether one may perceive them as good or bad, these many multiple memories are stored on the root hard drive of every human being. Whether one was a fetus, baby, in between lifetimes, or unconscious when the body suffered “abuse”; it was recorded in one’s memory storage whether one currently remembers that event consciously or not. Because the planet was invaded and our individual memory and identity erased from those tragic events, most all human beings have four main areas of cellular memory record in their unconscious mind at varying degrees. Those four main areas are: Abuse, Trauma, Shock and Devastation. Some people will feel these painful memories but not know what caused them or where they came from. Others will suffer from shock and will have shut these memories down completely as a coping mechanism. Others are very successful clearing these memories through emotional clearing practices such as with hypnosis and past life regression. Since this 1D unconscious mind controls our autonomic nervous system and autonomic bodily functions, unhealed memory trauma in these four main areas creates many kinds of physical symptoms and disease. These devastating memories have been partially described in twisted half-truths in the fall of humankind, or the genesis story of Adam and Eve in the bible. Starseeds and Indigos have an earth mission to heal these memories (and timelines) in a multitude of ways.

2D Walls of Separation

Instinctual Mind

1. Unworthiness 2. Shame / Guilt 3. Lack of Trust / Self Doubt 4. Betrayal / Abandonment

5. Anger / Rage 6. Fear 7. Entrapment / Enslavement

Second Internal Layer: This is the instinctual layer of ego which for many people remains a part of the unconscious mind as many do not pay attention to the cause of their instinctual drives or addictions. The first part of healing is to be willing to pay attention to drives though dedicated self-awareness. The second layer is directly impacted by the first layer to the degree the painful memory is experienced in the person’s hard drive. This second layer could also be called the pain body. It is the location where unresolved pain memories will manifest as instinctual drives within the person’s ego. If the 1D storage memories are not identified or cleared, the pain of these memories creates “walls of separation” in the 2D layer as a pain body. The pain body further creates “walls of separation” which manifest in the ego as seven primary mental and emotional states identified above. These walls of separation isolate the ego self in the person and as the person identifies with that ego state, they become disconnected from their inner spirit. This disconnection from the inner spirit creates a wall where another part of the ego identity may split off and may hide itself. This identity could have been created when one is a baby, a six year old child, teenager, or even in other timelines. This phenomenon is called ego sub-personalities, and they may be hidden behind the walls as a result from deeply experienced trauma. These traumatized sub-personalities also hold a fragment of our spiritual energy. The goal of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) is to intentionally create these traumatized sub-personalities which fragment the mind and spiritual body, thereby causing harm to the internal energy structures of the person’s aura. The current way this is enforced en masse on planet earth by the N.A.A. is through the Victim/Victimizer software program. When we are separated from our inner spirit, we are disconnected from our experience with God Source. The result is more Pain, Disconnection and Disease which exacerbates the ego walls and perpetuates the cycle of misery. The goal of our inner spirit is to find and locate those sub-personalities to heal them, reclaim them as Children of God, so that the spiritual light can be reintegrated and brought back into wholeness.

3D Houses of Ego

Conscious Mind

1. Addiction / Lust 2. Wrath / Rage / Vengeance 3. Greed / Avarice 4. Envy / Jealousy

5. Gluttony / Waste 6. Laziness / Discouragement 7. Pride / (+/-) Self-Importance

Third Internal Layer: This is the conscious mind layer of the ego of which we all perceive as a self or personality. If one pays attention to their conscious thoughts, one becomes aware if they are having negative ego thoughts as defined above by the Seven Houses of Ego. All Houses of Ego are formed by making judgments of people and the external circumstances. The third layer is directly impacted by the first and second layer to the degree the painful memory has created walls of separation and traumatized sub-personalities. If the main areas of the walls of separation are not dismantled and sub-personalities brought into transparency for healing, these hidden influences control and manipulate the strength and power within the person’s Houses of Ego. Essentially the more weak and in pain a person is, the more strong their walls of separation (pain body) which create the judgments which build the Houses of Ego. In most cases the houses are also created as a coping mechanism to deal with the harshness experienced in the 3D world. The Houses of Ego are a direct rejection of God’s spirit and repel the Christos spirit from dwelling within one’s body. If the Houses of Ego are extremely strong and the person replays its characteristic behavior repeatedly, that ego behavior builds an internal “house” which then attracts a “spirit”. As example, if a person has an addiction problem sourcing from unhealed trauma and replays the addictive behavior repeatedly, a “House of Addiction” will be built as an internal structure of the ego mind. Once that “House of Ego” is built internally, it attracts a spirit, the same consciousness energy that will match the vibrational quality in the internal house. The Spirit of Addiction is a demonic spirit. So as one builds a House of Addiction inside their mind and body, it attracts a demonic spirit to dwell within their house. As the laws of energetic structure states, one has built an internal house and has thus created the energetic agreement for a demonic spirit to dwell inside that house. This is the consensual agreement that unaware humans make for demonic spirits to dwell inside their body and then later, the consent they give the predator force to use their body as a dark portal.

3D Personality Matrix

Universal Time Matrix

3D (three or third dimensional) Consciousness in used in describing the limited perception of the world as being only that which is perceived in the physical. A person who limits their perceptions to the basic 5 senses would be considered a 3D person. Such a person would not have had an awakening experience and therefore not have fully developed Higher Sensory Perception or an ability to sense energy fields and their quality.

A 3D person is usually much more developed mentally than emotionally, leading them to perceive everything through their intellect. This results in dismissing Higher Sensory Perception experiences in others as well as in themselves. 

Primordial Imprints of Separation

When we came from the potential of the 12 Strand DNA consciousness and came into a body on the earth in two strand DNA consciousness, the pain of that separation was pretty devastating to the human collective soul. The Guardian Host describes the core separation imprint in the human soul that now which every other trauma and every other fear grows off of as the Seed Fear that recorded into the Three Layers of Ego. So after the Imprint of Separation, let's say if we go back into the moment of time where consciousness actually decided to come in to form at this level of density and experience polarity and duality consciousness and these imprints, there was a direct, at the individuation level, an imprint of separation and through those imprints, through our Consciousness and through our experiences in these lower form worlds, we started to form different emotions that had different energy signatures, but yet they were all still related to the Imprint of Separation. I am going to go through these right now with you and if you are called to as well, when we’re doing holographic re-patterning or as you listen to this recording later you may want to look at the primordial imprints of separation and clear these from your holographic consciousness.

The Primordial Imprints of Separation, the first level is shock, trauma and devastation; the second level is the lack of trust, lack of trust in spirit of course; number three is the betrayal and its polarity, abandonment, the two work together the betrayal and abandonment come in together so it's listed as one. The next one is fear, the next one is cosmic rage of cosmic anger, the next one unworthiness, the next one is shame and guilt, apparently that's the same vibration and the next one is feeling entrapped, so entrapment.

First Harmonic Universe:

For human beings, these consciousness bodies exist throughout the densities and are aspects of the higher self and Lightbody.  These aspects are called the Stations of Identity.

In the First Harmonic Universe in 1D-2D-3D exists the three layers of the personality matrix or incarnated human.
In the First Harmonic Universe the in 1D-2D-3D exists the Three layers of the earth matrix.

Negative Ego:

Negative Ego Mind Control

The conceit of egotism describes a person who acts to gain value for self serving motivation and instinctual desires while taking in an excessive amount of resources than that which he or she gives back to others. This may also be referred to as Service to Self. Usually these are actions of taking in others energy, time and resources and is accompanied with very low ethical standards and displaying low moral character traits. This is also called Consumptive Modeling or energetic vampirism. Egotism may be fulfilled by exploiting the sympathy, trauma, emotion or ignorance of others, as well as utilizing coercive force, deception, manipulation, Mind Control and fraud. The egotist has an overwhelming sense of the centrality of the 'Me' operating in their personal qualities and personal identity. This is a person who can not be trusted as they will always manipulate the circumstances to Service to Self as their primary or only concern.

Without developing Self Awareness and ego discipline, the untamed Negative Ego is exploited by Mind Control and further develops itself into serious spiritual pathologies which lead to Narcissism and Psychopathy. Psychotronic Mind Control harnesses the lower vibratory frequencies that comprise the lower Three Layers of Ego for targeting Negative Ego and AD Behaviors in the population.

Self Justification

Unfortunately, we often are confused by what we perceive incorrectly through our own need to be okay through self-justification. We formulate these distortions as Ego Defense Mechanisms because we have not learned how to free the mind through the use of Negative Ego tools for self-exploration and deeper self-inquiry. As we learn to free our mind and love ourselves unconditionally, we know that we are okay without needing to self-justify. When we are free of our own need for self-justification, (by increasing our inner self-approval and self-love, no matter where we find ourselves) then we do not need to justify others or justify ourselves. We are then freed to be capable of unconditionally loving others no matter what they may be choosing to do in that moment. It is what it is in this moment. One has no control over others nor what others may think about them.

Ego Ignorance

Ignorance is defined as that which is only identified with the material world and the use of external organs of perception.

To remain ignorant is a choice that many people make both consciously and unconsciously because they are afraid. Satanic forces as well as the NAA understand this Trauma behavior in humanity and exploit this weakness of “ego fear” aggressively. If the masses remain in Negative Ego fears, they will remain ignorant, therefore the masses are much easier to manipulate and Mind Control through chaos, fears, confusion and power conflicts.

This is the time to leave fear and leave ignorance of the Negative Ego thought patterns. What do you need to do now to remove fear from controlling you? Searching for spiritual knowledge, that which one’s inner soul and heart resonate is that which will lead us away from darkness, ignorance and suffering.

Yet the biggest impediment to all humans on the quest for spiritual truth and knowledge is unresolved ego fear, religious mind control and emotional immaturity based on unhealed Trauma. If we are fear based and believe we are not worthy enough, we stunt our development thereby refusing access to deep self-knowledge. If we refuse to get out of the kiddie pool (the superficial levels of life interaction) mentally or emotionally, we remain too immature to grasp higher spiritual knowledge. This ignorance leaves most human beings dog paddling in circles through life, completely unable to make informed decisions about the future direction because they are being treated like farm animals by the Controllers. Self-awareness and spiritual knowledge ultimately reach the nexus point in one’s spiritual journey where the catalytic breakthrough beyond ignorance, beyond the Negative Ego is required to progress, evolve and be free. See GSF Behavior

Predator Mind

Imposter Spirit is the Luciferian or Satanic Spirit which promotes false light authority and anti-life architecture through deception, lies of omission, manipulation with malice to promote intentional harm, death or destruction to serve its selfish personal agenda. These anti-life belief systems are the basis which forms the Negative Ego and was manifested out of the predator mind of the Orion Group.

Superior or Inferior Thinking

Refocus Your mind

The Predator Mind stays in its Superiority complex of the polarity while it projects inferiority on the targets of its submission and enslavement. This is the predictability of the Orion Group and their repeated use of the Controller archetype. To master the Negative Ego one will need to identify these inferior or superior thought forms and their archetypes and belief systems as they are acted upon, in order to shift and refocus negative thoughts back into neutral. This is the act of freeing your mind from being under Mind Control.

Do an inventory of personal thoughts and identify them as Inferior or Superior, or as love thoughts or fear thoughts. Make a choice right now which thoughts you want to own and those you want to discard. As a goal use the above spiritual self-centering model to keep your mind balanced and stay in centered loving and neutral thoughts. How long can you stay there in the center? Make it a goal to improve your ability to stay within the essence and energy of the keywords that maintain your spiritual center. Bring yourself back to center with breath, and applying neutral association to circumstances when you fall out of inner balance.

Superior Thinking: Intolerance, Impatience, Arrogance, Manipulation, Attack, Anger, Judgmental thinking
Inferior Thinking: Worry, Low Self Love or Esteem, Jealousy, Guilt, Hurt, Fear, Attachment, Martrydom

When you drop into either an Inferior or Superior thought-form immediately label it as Negative Ego and Dis-Identify with the thought as defining your value or true Christos nature. Do not let negative thoughts control you. Refocus and affirm the correct thought pattern.

Stop Ego and Stop Satanic Forces

We must be able to identify destructive patterns (ego fear) from healthy patterns (spiritual love) in order to make an informed choice and have personal discernment. Otherwise we are not discerning in the quality or level of information we are being exposed to and allow ourselves to be externally influenced by charismatic abusers, predators, manipulators and liars.

It is important to be able to discern and identify abusers, liars, predators and sociopaths as people traumatized by terrible pain, Soul Fragmentation and spiritual disconnection. Why would we trust resources and give value to the words spoken in the skewed theories of a person/group/family member/organization who is a repeated abuser, liar or predator? This is akin to returning to the same church to listen to sermons where the priest is known to molest altar boys. We have to understand they are very sick, in pain and deeply disturbed.

Negative Ego is Untrustworthy

One can never trust a person who is ego fractured, soul fragmented and emotionally infantile no matter how charismatic they are. A person in this condition needs loving compassionate, non-judgmental spiritual assistance. This is the general profile of a wounded ego and definition of a Satanic influenced or possessed being. It is the same to understand a loving mother would never put her child in the care of a known sexual predator, common sense would tell her to not put her child at risk for torture.

Unfortunately their are many charismatic liars promoting themselves in positions of authority as well as in the spiritual or consciousness realm through predator-seducer egos and direct Satanic manipulation. These people can “appear” charming and capable on the outside. To be able to see satanic manipulation and its N.A.A. methods of using Archontic Deception Behavior in tricking the masses, you have to understand its ego motivation, strategies and ideological reasons for exploiting humanity. To stop the dark from manipulating your energy and influencing your body, you have to stop it in its tracks and in all ways refuse its authority or control over your being in every way.

Houses of Ego

The Imposter Spirit and predator forces attempt to increase the power of the Seven Houses of Ego in shaping and reinforcing human behavior through Mind Control which invite the predator forces to use or possess the mind and body at will. When the body, mind and heart are corrupted by repeated Negative Ego thoughts, actions and deeds, the internal structure to house these energies, these qualities of spirits, will reside in the Houses of Ego. These lower quality spirits manifest tremendous pain and suffering, and are also called Satanic or Luciferian forces. In severe cases of repeated destructive spiritual behavior this can evolve to a thoughtform possession around a certain theme, such as with Addiction. Metatronic Reversal coding such as Splitter Tech runs itself through the signals of the Houses of Ego, hence we must clear ourselves of these predator forces in order to become free from the control of the predator.

Seven Houses of Ego

1. Addiction / Lust
2. Wrath / Rage / Vengeance
3. Greed / Avarice
4. Envy / Jealousy
5. Gluttony / Waste
6. Laziness / Discouragement
7. Pride / (+/-) Self-Importance

Responsibility of Consent

To stop Negative Ego one must identify it, locate it, and terminate it from accessing in your mind, emotions, body and spirit. This takes deep conviction and strength to reclaim your spiritual power and reclaim your body in the authority of God or Christ and terminate the consent given to the Imposter Spirit and the Negative Ego to control your mind. Otherwise this is the call to Spiritual Maturity. This is each beings responsibility to command the personal space which is designating one’s choice of spiritual-energetic authority which is the Law of Consent. If no choice is made it will be made at one’s consciousness frequency level combined with where one’s genetic ancestry has evolved in this cycle and the quality of energetic consciousness.

Egotism – The First Stages

Egotism is the drive to maintain and enhance favorable views of oneself and generally features an inflated opinion of one's personal features and importance — intellectual, physical, social and other. The conceit of egotism describes a person who acts to gain values in an amount excessively greater than that which he or she gives to others. Egotism means placing oneself at the core of one's world with no concern for others, including those loved or considered as "close," in any other terms except those set by the egotist. 

Narcissism – The Secondary Stages

Narcissism is used to describe the pursuit of gratification from vanity, or egotistic admiration of one's own physical or mental attributes, that derive from arrogant pride. 

Psychopathy – The Third and Final Stages of Insanity

Psychopathy as a personality disorder is characterized by enduring antisocial behavior, diminished empathy and remorse, and disinhibited or bold behavior. Behaviorialists suggest that different conceptions of psychopathy emphasize three main observable characteristics to varying degrees: Low fear of consequences, poor impulse control and lacking empathy and attachment to others, all which result in cruelty and meanness.[4]

Emotional Manipulation

As the chaos generated from the planetary ascension accelerates, many people are being influenced by negative forces that they do not comprehend and use more Emotional Manipulation to cope with their dismantling reality. Some of these negative forces are sourcing from peoples own Unconscious Mind and Negative Ego which has reinforced a lifetime of negative habits and behaviors. When people feel unsafe and insecure in themselves they will easily resort to controlling and manipulating behaviors. It is helpful to educate oneself about this behavior in order to protect oneself and create the necessary healthy boundaries.

How to Become Free

Free from Ego

Any variety of disciplines may be applied towards the setting of spiritual goals to achieve greater ego transcendence. One must comprehend that you can end the dark consequences of the Ego Filters and Consciousness blocking with the three factors :

a) Death of the Ego, Fear and Animal nature, the Psychological “I”

b) Birth of the Spiritual Being (Inner Christ) within

c) Service to Others or Law of One practices as a lifestyle

The ego dies based on rigorous creative comprehension of these larger truths. The Inner Christos Spiritual Being is born within us during our Hierogamic Union or embodied Hieros Gamos. The Service to Others path is the greater sacrifice for all of humanity which is the Christos embodiment of God's Eternal Love. [5]

Inquire upon Beliefs

Motivation influences perception, Perception influences beliefs, Beliefs influence actions.





The three major motivation problems to overcome in the Buddhist tradition are greed, anger and delusion. If these constitute much of your motivation then your perceptions, beliefs and actions can be twisted. This is a good model to help with understanding ourselves better as well as the motivation of others around us.

​​World Unity Shamanic Training Institute