12D Shielding Technique
So our core support practice is you wake up in the morning and your first step is to make a daily declaration of your intention to resolve the authority problem between the ego personality and God. And that can be simply stated in these words or words of your own that feel emotionally charged and connected to you such as:
My declaration of intention to serve my source.
I commit to serve my highest power fully completely and totally.
I am God. I am Sovereign. I am Free.
How to build your personal 12D Shield:
And then you work with shielding your body, your personal energy field. The 12th dimensional shield is a practice that fortifies and strengthens our aura by reconnecting us to our 12th dimensional blue print or Kryst or Krystal body. As we shield ourselves, we learn energetic boundaries of our aura. And then we can learn to boundary test our aura to discordant energies that are uninvited.
The shield also helps us to re-imprint our body to physical and energy sustainability and health and this is achieved by bringing balance to the body. It also allows communication to be restored with our spiritual forces and star family. It also empowers our body, ourselves to re-awaken the wisdom of our true origins which may mean we start to decode light language or start to understand more about the hidden history of our planet and of our race.
So as we work with the 12D shield, we use the six-pointed star, which is two triangles of merkaba that is representative of our merkaba body. This is the Star Tetrahedron. If you wish to have more information specific to the geometric significance of the Star Tetrahedron please review the early work of Nassim Haramein. In his first two videos of Crossing The Event Horizon you will see Nassim discuss these sacred geometries from a physics/scientific point-of-view. Also please view the Merkaba Spin (Organic Orb Body) diagram below for precise ratio's.
To help you understand WHAT the 12D Shielding technique is energetically all about, one must understand the natural laws that govern manifest creation, the Law of Structure, The Law of Vibration, The Law of Intent, etc.
There are Universal Laws governing structure (architecture) which exist at both energetic levels (pre-matter) and physical levels (matter) for absolutely everything in existence. Most of the pre-matter knowledge of these Universal Laws of Structure is kept hidden within the secret societies, such as the many allies organized around the pyramid of Masonic Orders. Fundamentally the name “Mason” means “Builder”. To be an expert builder or craftsman, one has a trade of which understands the principles and laws governing building a structure in both the macrocosm and microcosm. In this example, the Law extends the knowledge to exist both at the pre-matter level of the energetic-spiritual blueprint, as well the manifested result of the structural form in matter. This advanced knowledge gives the “builder” access to understand the collection of energetic resources in a structure and how to direct those energies (world of forces) for some intentional purpose. Obviously, the energetic purpose of the structure must be defined by the architect-builder and can be designed as either intentionally destructive or intentionally positive for humanity.
This same Law of Structure applies to all things in the macro/micro that have form; a monument, churches, skyscraper, businesses, organizations, communities, houses, altars and even websites. This moves consecutively down to the collective human level which impacts energetic behavior directly leading all the way to an individual’s mind, body and spirit.
Foundation of Law
For purposes relating to taking back control over one’s own mind, body and spiritual consciousness, we are discussing the foundation of the Law as it is relevant to become aware of the Internal Structures of Ego operating in one’s body.
* All Matter in the Universe is composed of layers of Vibrating Energy. This is also known as the Law of Vibration.
* All Consciousness Energy Vibrates and manifests in accordance to a Higher Law or Principle governing the Structure or Body
* The Geometric Form (blueprint + intention) determines the Energetic content and Vibration within the Structure or Body
* The more perfect the Geometric Form (blueprint + intention) the more perfect the Energy Content and Vibration is harmonized
* Consciousness Energy, Life Force or Spirit is constantly moving and transforming. Energy cannot remain stagnant and must follow the structure within the Form which creates change
* Change is both essential and inevitable for Evolution which is a blueprint of Spirit inhabiting Form
When we apply this Universal Law to improve the energetic structures “living” inside our own physical form or improve other types of structures we have operating in our lives, we will achieve beneficial, clear and efficient results. This is because we intend to live in harmony with the Law. All energetic structures, (containers, houses, bodies or entities) must be defined to determine the energetic content and vibration within the structure. It is important to understand that these are Universal Laws governing energy and form. (See the third item) If the energetic or physical structure is not defined with a clear mission, purpose or intention, it means that the structure (container, house, body or entity) will be invaded, infiltrated or used by dark forces who will take it over for their specific agenda.
The act of commanding one’s space is participating with this Law by defining the authority of which energies one allows into their body, container or house. This responsibility is with the individual person to command their space and defend their right to choose their authority. This is not something that God source or Christos families can do for you. This is because the Christos families are obedient to the Natural Laws of God, which never allow superimposition over another being’s personal will to choose. (Unless the personal will is to annihilate or intentionally harm another species.)
Law of Consent
For purposes relating to taking back control over one’s own mind, body and spiritual consciousness, from those humans and Negative Aliens who have abused the Law of Structure on this planetary body, we are also discussing the foundation of the Law of Consent and it's critical importance.
'''What we hold as our intention in our personal thoughts, is what we hold as our Consent towards that thought-form and its vibrational quality and force, as well as the energetic consequence of the thought-form substance created which impacts the self and others.'''
This means if we hold a thought-form and behaviors that vibrationally matches Luciferian intentions or Satanic intentions, at the same or equal vibration or frequency level, this is the consent that one has given to be in authority or exchange with those same forces.
The Laws of Intent, Consent, Authority and Structure, are purposely hidden and manipulated by the Negative Alien Agenda (NAA) in order to control humans who are not aware of these energetic laws, nor aware that they can gain personal power to regain control over their spiritual and energetic consciousness through the obeyance of these laws.
For purposes relating to taking back control over one’s own mind, body and spiritual consciousness, from those humans and Negative Aliens who have abused the Law of Structure on this planetary body, we are discussing the foundation of the Law of Consent and it's critical importance.
'''What we hold as our intention in our personal thoughts, is what we hold as our Consent towards that thought-form and its vibrational quality and force, as well as the energetic consequence of the thought-form substance created which impacts the self and others.'''
* What we think is what we create through Intent, Consent and Structure.
* The sum total of the energetic intention behind the accumulated thoughts or words that we have said in the now moment, is more important than the verbal language used to establish intent, consent and authority.
* The fact we think the thought automatically under Mind Control programs, means we have given the thought consent even without our conscious participation with intent. This is the main factor in NAA human exploitation by Mind Control. By taking away knowledge of personal Intent, they remove personal consent in the laws.
* The sum total of our accumulative vibrational thoughts and expressed words will override a persons choice. This means a person who has not consciously participated with giving personal consent and authority makes the choice through accumulative frequency resonance. This is the weighted average of the sum total of the individuals, body, thoughts, emotions, actions and behaviors which equate into an overall frequency resonance. This overall frequency resonance is what decides Intent, Consent and Structure for that person.
* This means that disciplining and controlling our inner thoughts is extremely important, as these thoughts add accumulative energies to form intent, consent and authority made under the Law.
* The Laws of Intent, Consent, Authority and Structure, are purposely hidden and manipulated by the NAA in order to control humans who are not aware of these energetic laws, nor aware that they can gain personal power to regain control over their spiritual and energetic consciousness through the obeyance of these laws.
Through the exploitation of these Laws the NAA and the False Father Gods have manipulated humanity to be in consent and authority with their forces, as intermediary, through shaping the Predator Mind in the human culture, through the many Mind Control programs that humans are given as a false history and false reality. Based on these many lies and deceptions, humanity holds belief systems of the Predator Mind thought-forms, thus, naturally becomes in the consent and authority of that same Predator Mind in the NAA groups. This is how the NAA control humanity by manipulation of consent in the mind, by removing intention of thoughts and making them automatic reactions in the Unconscious Mind, further, which manipulates the Soul. This makes the NAA False gods an intermediary source field (Impostor Spirit) for many unsuspecting humans who cannot discern the difference between lies and deception, and the truth.
Intent matches Consent and Authority
This means if we hold thought-forms and behaviors that vibrationally matches Luciferian intentions or Satanic intentions, at the same or equal vibration or frequency level, this is the consent that one has given to be in authority or exchange with those same forces.
As an example one may go to church and pray to God for help, and then go home and engage in self destructive habits, Addiction, Sexual Misery programs, yell at their spouse, or whatever else. Then the person wonders why they cannot feel any spiritual support or god connection. One may ask for consent and authority to be with God, however, as this example represents, it is the accumulative choices that we make in our thoughts and behaviors that ultimately energetically align us to the force we are in consent with.
This highlights the importance of choosing one's authority and therefore one's intentional consent and authority EVERY DAY, to help overcome the negative thoughts one may have as you learn to discipline the mind from Negative Ego and Predator Mind thoughts. As we discipline our mind daily by discerning spiritually healthy thought-forms that are suggested in the God, Sovereign, Free GSF Behavior and the Law of One, we get stronger to build our spiritual house, which is building our structure, as obeying the Law of Structure. One has the right to build their personal space to comply with one's personal consent, as given through accumulative thoughts and behaviors in the Law of Consent which decide which forces are used in the building of the internal and external structure, through the Law of Structure.
What we give our Consent to is what we give our Authority to!
By making a statement every day where your intent, consent and authority is being chosen through one's personal declaration of intention should be a core daily practice. If one does not make this consent or authority the natural law will align to the intentions of the accumulative energies collected in ones thoughts and the quality of the energies one has in their Lightbody. This is why purification of one's mind, body and emotions support spiritual ascension and spiritual progression.
As example, the Step One of the Daily Declaration of Intention is to, through one's own power, resolve the authority problem between Negative Ego and God.
''My declaration of intention is to serve my Source. I commit to serve my highest power fully, completely and totally. I am God. I am Sovereign. I am Free!''
In this statement one is accessing the Law of Intent, The Law of Consent, and the Law of Structure.
Law of Cause and Effect
Law of Consent also relates to the Law of Cause and Effect. What we think with intent, will be in consent with the frequency match of the force we create, and the force we create with is our authority in the structure we are building. What we build in the Law of Structures is that which we have created with forces, that will have a energetic cause and effect upon our body, mind, consciousness and all of our life experience.
Since all structures in the body, mind and spirit are based on personal intent and consent with the thoughts being generated, that means we are directly responsible for every thought we generate. In order to be responsible for every thought we have, we have to determine where the thought form is sourcing, and if we want to accept that thought and its cause and effect, or not. This is a critical piece of Spiritual Maturity. The 12 Practices of Self Awareness are also part of the teaching here at World Unity Shamanic Training Institute.
Self Sourcing Thoughts and Behaviors
To source thoughts it is supremely helpful to become aware of the Internal Structures of Ego operating in one’s body and be able to monitor thoughts as spiritually abusive thoughts or spiritually healthy thoughts. Once this is accomplished it is much easier to learn how to be in Compassionate Witnessing and not need to assign any type of judgment on thoughts, but to assume neutrality.
It is important to know that the Alien Machinery has abused the Natural Laws, in so that humanity does not have free will in the way that they believe they have. This has been accomplished through the erasure of Galactic Memories, unplugging human and planetary DNA and using psychological-spiritual warfare through Mind Control technology. All of these psycho-spiritual warfare assaults against humanity and the mind, make it challenging to impossible to navigate the terrain of the promotion and shaping of the Archontic Deception Behavior and its Victim-Victimizer strategy to keep the collective human mind generating thoughts of the Predator Realm.
If we think thoughts like a Predator, if we think thoughts that are opposing and abusive to the Natural Laws of God and the Inner Christ spirit, we are then in consent with the Luciferian or Satanic Forces. If we remain in consent with our thoughts to the Impostor Spirit we will suffer greatly in Spiritually Abusive Behaviors that we generate from our own mind, and its matched to our thought vibration in the collective Unconscious Mind.
What we think with intent, will be in consent with the frequency match of the forces that we create, and the force we create with is our Authority in the structure we are building. What we build in the Law of Structures is that which we have created with accumulated or combined forces, and that creation, (whether perceived as intangible or tangible) will have a energetic Cause and Effect upon our body, mind, consciousness and all of our life experience. Since all structures in the body, mind and spirit as well as, what we manifest in the material world, is based upon personal intent and consent with the thoughts being generated, that means we are directly responsible for every thought we generate, behavior we express and action we take.
In order to be responsible for every thought we have, we have to determine where the thought form is sourcing from, and if we want to accept that thought, behavior or action in relationship to its consequence, which is the Law of Cause and Effect. There is a Consequence to every thought, behavior or action that is generated that will bear influence and impact to the individual thought, as well as the collective field of accumulated thoughts on the planet (and beyond).
When one has the knowledge of the Law of Intent, they naturally develop their consent to what energy, force or structure they are interacting with or co-creating with. That force of energy that is used to create a structure, will be the Authority of which that structure has been built. As long as that structure has been built with that Intent, Consent and Authority, will be the Governor of that structure.
This lack of knowledge is the most common reason why an individual that has unknowingly created with the Impostor Spirit forces, becomes entangled in that combined forces, the Law of Cause and Effect. This is a loophole of the Alien Machinery and their human counterparts and its inorganic architecture ( Bi-Wave Influences) that have manipulated human beings to co-create with these forces, in order to grow and spread their intent, consent and authority on the earth plane and other dimensions, such as the Astral Plane.
This is a critical piece of knowledge in order to develop Spiritual Maturity.
From the misuse, abuse or ignorance of the Law of Cause and Effect, the accumulated consequence of the abuse of energy, resources, power sources, are inherited by the human race at incarnation on the planet. Because the NAA ideology is creating a hierarchical class culture of the Controller Ruling classes, and the slave classes, this means the consequence of the Law of Cause and Effect is superimposed primarily on the slave class of humans. This phenomena of passing the buck in order to not be responsible for one's own personal direction of energy, is called Consumptive Modelling. The entity or being takes what it wants, needs or requires from others, from the planet, without any regard to the consequences. From the accumulative Consumptive Modelling comes extreme levels of waste product, such as Miasma, Planetary and Dead Light. This waste product of dead energy is given to the Slave Class to transmute or carry in their Lightbody as a consequence from the abuse of the Law of Cause and Effect.
This phenomena is called Superimposition of Karma, it is the superimposing ones personal actions of responsibility for the consequence of the waste product manifested from abuse of the Law of Cause and Effect, by funneling it towards those they deem undesirable or may hold hatred towards that genetic race. This hatred exists towards the Christos intelligence from the NAA groups and the Impostor Spirits who have superimposed their karmic debris upon those beings that have the 12 Strand DNA history or imprints. This has been called the Redemptive Vehicle of the Christ.
Karmic Miasma or Dead Waste
These “infections” are called Miasma and they accumulate and collect into “Phantom Matrix” or Dead Energy spaces. These dead spaces have to feed on someone or something in order to continue to exist, therefore they have a grave impact upon the Law of Cause and Effect. Dead Spaces and Dead Energy are just like piles of dead waste and pollution piled in a corner, blocking life force, blocking energetic current, and are just like massive trash dumps and plastic bottles littering the land and oceans of the Earth. It is the phantom or dead spaces that the NAA Controller Forces (through Archontic Deception Behavior culture) siphon our planetary energy and resources into. They do this through the manipulation of the bi-wave polarity fields and rotation of the electron particle by forcing the energy flow in disproportionate channels that feed their intended source. This creates a lot of karmic issues, related to the blocked energy created from the Law of Cause and Effect, a consequence for all humans is that they inherit this Miasma and waste by virtue of being born into this realm.
Universal Laws:
God-Sovereign-Free (GSF)
Law of One
Law of Compassion
Law of Conservation
Law of Cause and Effect
Law of Intent
Law of Consent
Law of Structure
Law of Consent to Authority
Law of Resonance
Law of Vibration
*** The 12D Shield is a pre-requisite requirement for ALL workshops and classes with World Unity Shamanic Training Institute. If you intend on taking any classes we encourage you to familiarize, activate, and entrain your lightbody with this shielding technique/frequency.